School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

In 2020 Pascoe Vale Girls’ College began implementing a School-Wide Positive Behaviour Program (SWPBS) to promote a positive and respectful school culture. The SWPBS focuses on recognising and reinforcing positive behaviors such as respect, responsibility, and kindness, rather than focusing on negative behavior. The program involves a range of strategies such as regular staff training, student leadership opportunities, and whole-school Celebration Assemblies to reinforce positive behavior.

The SWPBS has helped create a safer and more welcoming environment for all students and staff. This approach fosters a sense of community, encourages positive relationships and has a positive impact on student wellbeing and academic success.

Learning Behaviours

I embrace all opportunities to learn

  • I work through challenges
  • I keep trying
  • I explore possibilities
  • I recognise when I need help and ask for assistance
  • I reflect on my strengths and areas for development

I understand and accept my role in my learning

  • I come prepared for learning
  • I ask questions and seek information to build upon my understanding
  • I act upon feedback to improve
  • I manage my time to complete tasks
  • I continue my learning at home
  • I reflect on my progress and set goals for future
    learning growth

I value positive connections with others

  • I communicate clearly and appropriately
  • I work collaboratively
  • I show fairness and consideration
  • I consider the impact of my actions

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