Pascoe Vale Girls College, established in 1956 is a highly successful school located in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. Our students are drawn from a wide geographical area with diverse cultural and language backgrounds which are valued and acknowledged.
The school learning community is supportive and proudly inclusive where students flourish and are empowered through voice, agency and leadership.
The school is responsive to student learning needs and aspirations with high expectations supported by the college values of respect, diversity and achievement. We have excellent learning facilities which are comfortable and modern with extensive areas for student recreation.
Our learning model is informed by current educational research with teachers and students sharing responsibility to achieve positive learning outcomes. The implementation of high impact teaching strategies, differentiated curriculum and the provision of ongoing feedback supports student engagement and learning growth.
A comprehensive core curriculum is provided at Years 7-10 with electives at Years 9 -10 across Learning Areas. The VCE program includes a broad range of subjects and the Vocational Major pathway. The SEAL (Select Entry Accelerated Learning) program caters for high ability students and Year 10 students can accelerate their studies with access to VCE subjects.
Student learning, engagement and wellbeing are supported through a sub-school structure comprising Middle and Senior sub schools. The student wellbeing team at the college works to ensure the promotion of positive wellbeing across the student population and broader school community.
A rich co-curricular program enhances student efficacy, responsibility and social engagement. This includes the House system, an extensive student leadership program, events across visual and performing arts, interschool sport, camps, excursions, debating, academic competitions, the St John Youth Ambulance program, and through an international relationship with Toyota Higashi High School, Japan.