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Ms Kay Peddle – Principal
As we reflect upon another successful term, we are pleased to share with you some of the remarkable achievements and exciting events that have taken place within our school community. Students were involved in a wide range of learning programs, co-curricular events excursions, competitions and student led activities with many fundraising and awareness events held across year levels as showcased in this edition of the newsletter.

We are pleased to share that our students have made significant academic progress this term. Their hard work, determination, and the support of our dedicated teaching staff have led to outstanding achievements. Participation rates in the Term 3 student/parent/teacher conferences were high and I encourage parents and carers to regularly check Compass regarding assessment and learning tasks. Parents and carers are invited to engage in communication with teachers as required to ensure continued success. Progress reports are available via Compass throughout the term.

As Principal I am so proud of students’ accomplishments in our co-curricular programs. These experiences are shaping them into well-rounded individuals who will make a positive impact on our world. Year 9 students will complete the City Experience program this term. The focus of the program is to broaden students “real life” learning experiences beyond their immediate environment with opportunities provided to develop initiative and work effectively in a team, develop new skills and responsibilities, confidence and independence and enhance social awareness. Students Investigate the diversity of city lifestyle and culture through researching a hypothesis with findings presented to an audience. We look forward this week to our annual College Gala. The Gala provides a platform for our budding musicians, dancers and vocalists to shine and share their passion for the performing arts with the community. Our STEAM programs have continued to inspire innovation and curiosity among our students. They have been involved in exciting excursions and programs, contributing to the field of science and technology. Sporting teams have displayed high levels of commitment across many levels. The opportunities provided by Ms Wendy Story in Vocational Education has enabled students to explore a range of pathways which is so important given the range of courses and careers available. The student run coffee shop has been very successful with students being trained as baristas to operate the coffee shop each week. The range of student led events held at lunchtimes has been incredible with funds raised to support important causes including RU OK day and Footy Colours Day to support the Royal Children’s Hospital.

We wish our Year 12 students all the best for their upcoming final assessments and exams and look forward to celebrating with them at the college graduation ceremony on Monday 21 October

Thank you for your continued support as we look forward to the exciting opportunities and successes that the next term will bring.

Please check the college calendar for important dates and events for Term 4.
Important Reminders 
Mobile Devices
Students are to secure their mobile devices in their locker from 8.35am to 3.05pm. The school will provide a combination lock that must be used on your locker.
Students who do not comply will have their phone stored at school until a parent or adult guardian comes to collect it.
Students are expected to be in either full summer or full winter uniform from the beginning of the term. Please support the school by ensuring your child has their correct uniform
Student Laptops
Students need a suitable lap top ready for the beginning of the year. We will help you get set up on the school network.


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Tertiary Expo

On Tuesday, August 27, PVGC proudly hosted its annual Tertiary Expo that drew representatives from all major Victorian universities and select TAFE institutions. The expo provided an invaluable opportunity for students to engage directly with educational institutions, explore their options, and gather essential information for their future studies.

The day was a resounding success, with a great atmosphere. Students navigated through the various booths, eagerly engaging with representatives, asking thoughtful questions, and collecting brochures and other materials to aid in their decision-making process.

The expo offered a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about educational pathways. The questions posed by the students were particularly impressive, reflecting their readiness and keen interest in finding the right fit for their higher education.

Thank you to everyone who made the event possible and to all the students who made the most of this valuable experience.

“We went to a career expo today and we had the opportunity to ask all the questions we wanted to and got the opportunity to have face to face conversation with the Uni reps. As a VCE-VM student my concern was that I would not be able to get into university, but after today’s career expo I have learnt that I don’t have to worry about that because as I was talking to the RIMT rep I found out that they offer and TAFE courses to do as a pathway to university in any major plus on the other hand if you complete the course you can also get into to other universities too.”
Meyra Yay – Year 11 VCE-VM

“I attended the Careers expo organised by the school. I asked the representative from the University how to get into courses by using the VCE VM pathway. I learned that there are other options for you to achieve your goal. I can still use a pathway to get into any course that you want without going straight to university.”
Aya Mohamad – Year 11 VCE-VM

“It was so much fun getting to know how all universities around Melbourne work and what ranges of courses they have. I want to be a dental assistant or anything that has to do with dental because that’s what I want to do and what I’m passionate about. Today I found out that TAFE offers a dental course for a year and a half – certificate III in dental. It looks so fun and I’m interested in doing it.”
Rayan Said – Year 11 VCE-VM



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RISE Program

On August 27 and September 10 a Lawyer and a Social Worker from Northern Community Legal Centre spoke with our Year 11 students as part of their RISE (Rights, Independence, Self-Empowerment) Program. The team at Northern Community Legal Centre aim to provide young women with legal support and capability-building workshops so they can make informed choices regarding relationships and financial security.


Captains Update 

Hot Chocolates and Marshmallow Stall
On Friday the 26th of July, the Senior School hosted a hot chocolate stall in the A block Cafe. A big thank you to the Senior School staff along with Mrs Barbazza for the help with making the hot chocolate. It was great to see how many students came along to enjoy a free hot chocolate and marshmallow with friends.
Senior School Captains


Teacher’s VS Senior Students Volleyball
On Friday the 23rd of August, Senior School presented the Staff VS Students Volleyball within the Gym. It was amazing to see so many of our students coming along to support both our teams throughout the whole of the competition and it was even more amazing to see how much passion and incredible sportsmanship was being displayed throughout the game.
There were many enthusiastic contenders from both sides, our students and fellow teachers which was marvellous to see. A big thank you to Mr Nicholas and the Senior School team for hosting and planning the Friday Funday’s for this term and a big congratulations to the teachers for swooping in and taking the win.
Senior School Captains


Teacher’s VS Senior Students Kahoot
On the 6th of September, Teacher’s VS Senior Students Kahoot was hosted within the Michael Harris Theatre. It was great to see all year levels attending and enjoying the Karaoke that was planned by Mr Nichols and the Senior School team, especially the Seniors who provided a fun and exciting environment. It was excellent to see both students and teachers enjoying their time. A big thank you to Mr Nichols and the Senior School team for hosting and planning this Friday Funday in which both teachers and students could participate. Congratulations to the 1st and 2nd place winners: Nethme Dassanayake & Mr Madden
Senior School Captains



Footy Colours Day
Tuesday September 17th was Footy Colours Day at PVGC. Organised by our Year 12 VCE VM classes, not only was it an opportunity for students & staff to don their team colours but there was also a fabulous fundraising event held in the Quad at lunchtime. There were lots of delicious snacks for sale as well as games, temporary tattoos & a photobooth. The Year 12 VCE VM students & the PVGC community were able to raise an incredible $836.80 for the Royal Children’s Hospital – An amazing effort! 



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Wake Netball Competition  
On the 4th of September Wake House hosted a netball competition for all students to freely participate. It was great to see quite a number of students attending the event and it was even better seeing the competitive spirit and friendly sportsmanship going on amongst the students, both on the courts and on the sidelines. The event received much positive feedback from the students which was incredible to hear.
It was very much appreciated and many students promised that they will be sure to return for Round 2! A big thank you to the Wake team for organizing such a thoughtful event for all the students.
Marlize Aitu, 11C

“I attended the Netball event hosted by Wake House and I thought it was a really great experience for both my friends and I. It was great to see so many other students participating and working together in order to win against the other teams. What I thought was also good was the fact that even if some students weren’t participating they were still on the sidelines cheering their friends on. If Wake House has another Netball event in the future, I’ll definitely make sure to attend it!” Year 10 Student Anonymous


Wake Volleyball Competition        

On the 2nd of September, Wake House hosted a schoolwide volleyball competition. There was a massive turnout and students brought high spirits and came prepared to compete against their peers in a friendly competition of volleyball. Teams from all year levels competed in a round-robin format, creating an inclusive atmosphere where every match was about enjoyment and camaraderie rather than winning or losing. However students definitely brought their game faces and were very competitive. This led to high spirited matches but ultimately everyone went home a winner as no team emerged as a clear winner by the end of the day. The true victory of the day was seeing students being active and having fun resulting in an unforgettable day of shared triumphs and connections.
Faraza Aziz, Wake House Captain





Wake Lunchtime Movie – ‘Bring it on’

Wake House, in the month of July, hosted a lunchtime movie within the Auditorium as an enjoyable experience for both students and teachers to enjoy a well deserved break from the stress of studies and schoolwork. The movie choice being “Bring it on” had many students reporting it as being a fantastic pick as it not only made everyone laugh but everyone all agreed that they had an enjoyable time watching the movie. It was amazing to see a large amount of students attending the lunchtime movie despite it only being 3 times this whole year. A big shout out to the Wake team for organizing such a thoughtful event for all the students and teachers.
Marlize Aitu, 11C

I thought that the lunchtime movie showings were an excellent way to detangle from the stress of VCE and to just spend time with friends watching a movie. I also thought that the movie choice of ‘Bring it on’ was a great pick as it was full of laughs and entertainment for all to enjoy, not just for the students but for the teachers as well. Overall, it was a great experience and I would love for there to be another event like this one. Year 11 Student (Anonymous)


R U OK? Day – Alberti & Student Leadership

Lunch at the Quad on the 12th of September was buzzing with activity. In honour of R U OK? Day and encouraging a connection between the school community a Lion’s Club run sausage sizzle was organized as well as the Alberti photobooth, colouring in, nail polish and temporary tattoo stations, playdough and more. It was awesome to see so many people interacting with the event! Thank you to those who supported it by wearing yellow, buying a sausage or participating in an activity!

Remember, a conversation can change a life. Checking in with a friend doesn’t have to be confined to one particular day. Ask, listen, encourage action and check in with a friend to show you care.

“It was so fun and everyone was clearly enjoying themselves while doing temporary tattoos, colouring, talking to the wellbeing team and getting free scented lavender playdough!”
– Anisah

“The fantastic work of our wellbeing captains allowed students from all year levels to connect over music and wellbeing activities. It was great to see such a positive vibe in the Quad. “
– Ms Gowers

Total amount raised: $390.15

Nayomi Goonaratne, Wellbeing Captain


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St Johns Ambulance
St John members this term have worked hard in mastering their extended patient assessment learning how to gather a history, take vital signs and compete a head to toe assessment. This term, members expanded their knowledge across a wide range of important topics, including how to manage seizures, burns, head, neck, and pelvic injuries, bites and stings, asthma and anaphylaxis, strokes, diabetic emergencies, and much more. They put their skills to the test through various challenging scenarios, ensuring they’re well-prepared for real-life situations!

On Sunday, 8th September, Lauren Fisher proudly represented our division in the State Youth Challenge, where she competed against 30 other participants from across Victoria. The competition tested her first aid skills in high-pressure scenarios, complete with screaming patients and chaotic situations. In addition to handling these intense challenges, Lauren was tasked with creating and teaching a lesson, demonstrating a skill, and performing effective CPR. Her preparation included numerous practice sessions, where, with the help of student volunteers, she honed her ability to manage multiple patients and bystanders simultaneously. A huge congratulations to Lauren for her exceptional performance and dedication in representing the division so admirably!
Nessryn Tabiatt, St Johns Ambulance 


Meharpreet Kaur – Future Health Leaders Program
On Friday August 23rd, Year 11 student Meharpreet Kaur flew to Canberra and joined 12 other students from around Australia in the Future Health Leaders Program. The Future Health Leaders Program works to inspire female high school students to enter a career in health and medical research, innovation and life sciences. It was a busy day for Meharpreet with lots of new experiences:

• Firstly, a welcome and orientation
• A panel with female leaders from non-profit, government, industry and clinical health settings
• A provided lunch and tour of ANU
• Two immersive, hands-on lab sessions with female leaders in academia and ANU ambassadors
• A session at Parliament House during the final hour of the day, meeting with current Parliamentarians with an interest in health and medicine

PVGC would like to extend a huge congratulations to Meharpreet for being 1 of 12 students selected to take place in this event


Music Gala
PVGC’s annual Music Gala was a highlight of the year as usual on September 18th with our amazing students showcasing their music and rhythmic talents. As always they were well supported by our incredible music department and the event was well attended by the PVGC community! 

Elise Keles-Huseyin & Fatima Basra – Evatt Model UN competition

Fatima Basra and I were incredibly fortunate to participate in the Evatt Model UN competition, an experience that was both challenging and rewarding. Each team represented a different UN country in a mock conference, working together to draft a resolution that required the approval of at least 9 out of 15 member states, including all veto powers. We proposed amendments and new clauses, which were debated and voted on, and had the chance to express our country’s stance through speeches.

We competed in the preliminary round on August the 25th at Melbourne Law School, where we competed against over 100 teams, and we represented Australia. We engaged in debates on two pre-prepared resolutions, one addressing poaching and the other focused on human security in Haiti. Additionally, we tackled an impromptu resolution on plastic consumption. Throughout the day, we successfully passed three of our amendments.

Advancing to the semi-finals on September 7th at St. Hilda’s College, we encountered a more competitive atmosphere, making it challenging to secure a place on the speaker list. In the semi-finals, we debated one prepared resolution on Kurdish independence and two impromptu resolutions concerning the India-Pakistan conflict in Kashmir and refugees in the UK. We were delighted to see three of our amendments passed.

Ultimately, we made it to the reserve list for the grand final, placing us in the top 19 teams in Victoria. We are incredibly proud to have represented PVGC and would like to thank everyone who supported us in this amazing opportunity to compete!
Elise Keles-Huseyin 11G


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Year 9 STEM ‘Future Foods and Sustainable Communities’ Excursion

On August 28th, our Yr. 9 STEM Elective students attended the STEM Centre of Excellence at the Science Gallery Melbourne for the ‘Future Foods and Sustainable Communities’ Excursion. During this excursion, students participated in a range of activities which supported creativity, critical and design thinking concepts around the three pillars of sustainability – economic, environment and social, for the application of insects as a more sustainable food source. Students created their own prototypes, including waffle recipes and other food products that incorporated crushed insects, to support their design solutions. Many thanks to Mr. Scott Davies, who took time out of his schedule to accompany myself and the students on this excursion.
Ms. Carolyn Drenen
Learning Area Leader – Science; STEAM Co-ordinator; Teacher of Chemistry, Science and Mathematics


Year 11 VCE Chemistry RMIT Outreach Program Excursion

On Tuesday 3rd September, our Yr. 11 VCE Unit 2 Chemistry students participated in a series of practical investigations involving selected instrumental analysis of water contaminants at the RMIT City Campus. Techniques that were practiced by students in a simulated industrial laboratory environment included high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), UV-Visible spectroscopy, conductivity and pH measurement; also determination of water hardness by volumetric analysis/titration, to meet the Key Knowledge Outcomes of Unit 2 Area of Study 2 to prepare for their next SAC Task and further VCE Chemistry studies in Yr. 12. Many thanks to Ms. Anna Petrocchi and Mr. Danny Bittisnich who took time out from their regular classes to help accompany our students on this excursion.
Ms. Carolyn Drenen
Learning Area Leader – Science; STEAM Co-ordinator; Teacher of Chemistry, Science and Mathematics


RMIT ‘I Belong in STEM’ Day

On Thursday September 5th, selected Year 9 and 10 students were invited to visit the RMIT Melbourne City campus and participate in a series of ‘hands-on’ workshops; designed to give them a better understanding of how integration of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) can support future research; enable creative solutions to tackle ‘real-world’ problems and provide exposure to possible future course and career pathway options after completion of Year 12 studies. Many thanks to Ms. Vaia Tsintziropoulos who took time out from her schedule to help accompany our students on this excursion.
Ms. Carolyn Drenen
Learning Area Leader – Science; STEAM Co-ordinator; Teacher of Chemistry, Science and Mathematics


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Australian History Competition 

Well done to the following students for their participation in the 2024 Australian History Competition! 🎉🦕⚔️👑🏰

Timah Alhaydari & Meghna Sinu Joy – 8A
Hafssa Rafea – 8E
Freya Graf & Aiman Khan – 9A

Tala Nachabe – 9D
Farah Alganahi – 10B
Nigella Grainger-Twyman – 10C
Annie Le & Kevika Maharjan – 10E

Congratulations to Meghna Sinu Joy of 8A for achieving a High Distinction! 🏆 Our Year 8 students performed above state level. What a wonderful achievement! 🏆🎉🥳

We look forward to seeing more budding Historians for next year’s competition!📜⚔️🏯👑🌏🧭

Miss Gemma Traill
Humanities Learning Area Leader & Humanities and EAL Teacher




Pentridge Prison Excursion

On Wednesday the 11th of September the Year 11 Sociology Joint Provision Class (comprised of students from PVGC and Coburg High School) attended a half day excursion to the Pentridge Prison located in Coburg. Everyone enjoyed it as it provided us with an insight into how the justice system worked in the past. We were able to view firsthand how prisoners were treated and how they lived, confined, within their cells.

We started off our day with an introduction to the Pentridge Prison grounds and a brief summary of its history. We were lucky enough to tour the notorious H Division in which we were able to learn more about the conditions that the prisoners were put through. We were then provided with audio guides in which we were able to further explore the cells and listen to the conditions that the prisoners lived through. We ended our day with a thunderstorm and a fresh insight into the justice system and the sociological aims of punishment.

We would like to thank Ms Ferguson for organizing and taking her time to plan an excursion for our class. We deeply appreciate it and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. An extended thank you to Ms Traill for also accompanying us to the Prison.
Marlize Aitu, 11C 

“I thought that the excursion was good because it not only covered the history of the prison but it also added humour to the situation of the prison such as when the tour guide discussed the last Prison Break (Prisoners: William John O’Meally and John Henry Taylor) where the prisoners escaped right through the front door only to be escorted back 13 minutes later after stealing a faulty car. I really liked the audio experience because it was very unique and not what I was expecting. I thought that it was a very unique way to consume knowledge. Overall, I thought that it was a very meaningful experience and I would go again.”
Sezin Sevk 11C

“I think the experience was very valuable in learning about the history of Australian criminals and the legal system. It was very interesting to learn about the different types of punishments and cruelties that went on in the prison, especially in the notorious H Division. My favorite part of the excursion was when we got to walk around and look at the prison cells up close. All in all I recommend this excursion and encourage people to check out Pentridge Prison when they have the chance.”
Rahma Khan 11F



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Year 11 Food Studies

Our Year 11 Food Studies class really outdid themselves this term! Their assignment was to conduct research into food trends and then make and sell a product at a market day. They did not disappoint! The food trends they focused on were Cake Pops, Oreo balls, Biscoff Cheesecake cups, Big Mac Tacos, Crumble Cookies, Chocolate smash boxes, Chicken & Waffles, Churros, Dubai Chocolates, Crème Brulee Donuts, Brownie Truffle Skewers and Chocolate cake. SO YUMMY! So yummy in fact, they were all sold out in less than 10 minutes!!

Year 10 Food, Glorious Food Preservation Hampers

The Semester 2, Year 10 Food, Glorious Food students have now demonstrated their preservation and presentation skills through their Hamper productions. Students chose a theme for their gift hamper, filling them with Rosemary and Thyme Salt, Chilli and Herb Oil, Lemon Curd and Shortbread. This Semester themes included ‘White and Wood’, ‘Essendon’, ‘Christmas’ and ‘Kuromi’.
Ms. Myers, Health, Food and Hospitality Learning Area Leader


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Year 7 & 8 SEAL Future Tech Taster 

On August 28 our Year 7 & 8 SEAL students visited Banyule Nillumbik Tech School. BNTS is an initiative to move education into the future. They develop and run specialist STEAM programs that aim to prepare young minds for the challenges of the future and the changing nature of employment. Our students had a ball making their own digital designs and printing them using the laser cutter machines and 3D printers.


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Term 4 Important Dates
Mon 7 Oct Year 12 Practice Exams Begin
Fri 18 Oct Last Day Year 12 VCE & VM
Mon 21 Oct Year 12 Celebration/Graduation
Mon 4 Nov Report Writing Day (Curriculum Day)
Tue 5 Nov Melbourne Cup Day (Public Holiday)
Wed 6 Nov Year 11 Exams Start
Thur 14 Nov Year 12 (2024) Course Confirmation
Fri 15 Nov Year 10 Exams Start
Fri 22 Nov Year 11 (2025) Course Confirmation
Tues 3 Dec Year 7 (2025) Parent Info Evening 7pm
Thur 5 Dec Awards Night
Tue 10 Dec Year 9 Study Day & Year 7 (2025) Orientation
Wed 11 Dec Year 9 Exams Start
Fri 13 Dec Year 7-9 Activities Day


Handy E-Resources
School Website:

PVGC Times: available through the school website

Instagram: pvgc_official

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